Friday, May 2, 2014

Part 4. Cities in Dust. Little Wars April 2014.

Game shots and set-up.

Many thanks to all the participants and the wonderful staff of the Little Wars convention.
Jason, Jim, Tom, Tim, Dave, Vic, Tim, Jaime, Dave P. , Bernie, Gary, Sam, Anne and a big thanks to Dave L.

List of Manufacturers

15mm UK

Acheson Creations


Alternative Armies

Angel Barracks



Blue Moon (Old Glory)

Brigade Games

Citadel 15s

Combat Wombat

Crescent Root Studios

Critical Mass Games

Darkest Star Games

Department 56

Dinky Toy

Fate Amenable to Change

Gale Force Nine/Flames of War

GameCraft Miniatures

Ground Zero Games



Martian Metals


McFarlane Toys

Miniature Building Authority

Old Crow


Rebel Miniatures


The Scene



Tyco Trains

Woodland Scenics

Part 3. City Fight. Little Wars April 2014.

Carnage on the west side...
The Body Rollers engage the Freck's Freikorps flank...
Griffin tanks guard their left flank...
Terran Union Marines...
Ophelia's Outriders close assault Hammer's combat cars...

New Israeli Saber grav MBTs...
Slammers take casualties...

Freikorps tank destroyers engage the Body Rollers...

And take casualties in turn...
Freikorps and Body Rollers in combat on the Slammers' right flank...
Freikorps Kangaroo APCs...
Freikorps infantry...
TAS grav tank moments before rogue Brigade Generique forces engaged the TAS...
TAS takes the Brigade Generique under fire...
Brigade Generique and TAS...
New Israelis and Zaporoskiye.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Part 2. Fire and Plasteel. Little Wars 2014.

Zaporoskiye units take up ambush positions...
The Body Rollers and Outriders hold the vital communication complex in Mazzengaville...
A Minotaur in ambush mode...
New Israeli Uhlan super heavy grav tank destroyers...
Mjolnir Brigade takes on the Zaporoskiye, Brigade Generique and Griffins...
Terran Union Marine detachment defending the Union Consulate while Brigade Generique and Griffin tanks head to combat...
A bright symbol of civic pride amidst the engines of war...
New Order Federal Army units engage the Zaporoskiye, Brigade Generique and Griffins...

Federal Cataphract MBT.
Looking west down the Via Rinaldo...
And amidst it all, a Chalanek Networks News stringer(the dedicated news crew appears to have perished in an AA missile attack on the way to the battle) reporter interviews a citizen of Mazzengaville...

Part 1. The Final Battle for Mazzengaville. Little Wars April 2014.

The calm before the storm, Ophelia's Outriders 'Minotaur' BFT picketed on the outskirts of Mazzengaville.
Mazzengaville before the battle.    
The Via Rinaldo, the highway that connects the capital with Mazzengaville and the rest of the Southern Continent.
Soylent Corp, provider of much of the planet's processed food stuffs.
The Zaporoskiye move into position amidst the slums under the maglev tracks...
The New Israelis, sporting brand new Uhlan grav tank destroyers positions themselves to engage Colonel Sampim's Mjolnir Brigade.
More of Ophelia's Outriders prepare to engage the Slammers...
Ophelia's Outriders open fire on a troop of Slammers combat cars...
The Slammers move into the narrow streets of the town's west end...
The Body Rollers and their brand new Siler heavy grav tanks begin to take Freck's Freikorps under fire...
End of a titan, Minotaur super heavy destroyed by the Slammers...
A heavy grav tank of Dragoe's Hellkites engages the Griffins at the east end of Mazzengaville...
The Brigade Generique opens fire on the Hellkites...
Freck's Freikorps and The Body Rollers are locked in combat...
The Slammers and Ophelia's Outriders in mortal combat...